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How to Get Rid of Mold: The Ultimate Guide 

You’ll need gloves on for this one.

Mold in your home is an uninvited and unwanted visitor. Plus, it can be particularly hazardous to some individuals. For instance, some people are allergic to mold, while those with allergies could have flu-like symptoms.

We’ll show you how to get rid of mold in your home. This step-by-step guide will help you identify the type of mold you have and how to eradicate it. Plus, we’ll share when it’s best to call in a professional. Let’s face it; we can’t always do this task ourselves.

Key Takeaways

  • Identify the type of mold: Mold comes in various colors and textures, and not all molds are health hazards. Common types include red, black, green, and white mold.
  • Check for signs of mold: Mold can be detected through musty odors, allergic reactions, or visible growth. Look for mold in damp, dark areas of the home.
  • Remove mold safely: Protect yourself with a mask, goggles, and gloves. Use appropriate cleaning solutions, such as bleach, vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide, depending on the surface and mold type.
  • Prevent future mold growth: Keep your home well-ventilated, dry, and clean. Control moisture and humidity levels to discourage mold formation.

What Is Mold?

What Is Mold? Icon

Mold is a natural fungus that can grow indoors as well as outdoors. There are many species of mold.

Experts estimate that the number of species ranges from tens of thousands to over three hundred thousand (1).

Mold spreads and reproduces through spores. These spores can survive extreme environmental changes that the mold itself wouldn’t be able to survive, such as dry conditions. You may discover mold in dark, moist areas such as the basement, bathroom corners, or behind appliances (2).

It comes in various colors ranging from black to yellow, as well as different textures such as fluffy or gooey. Not all mold is a health hazard, but some species do have toxic byproducts.

A close cousin to mold is mildew. It’s commonly found in the same conditions, and people often struggle to distinguish between mold and mildew.

Wildew vs mold

Mildew isn’t as colorful as mold; it’s generally grey or white but will turn brown or dark over time. Mold, on the other hand, can range in color depending on the species and area.

Another way to distinguish between the two is by the form; mold usually grows rapidly, whereas mildew remains flat. Regarding texture, mold can be anything from dry and fuzzy to slimy and gooey. Mildew, in comparison, is dry, fluffy, or powdery.

Where you can find mold or mildew also varies. The latter is generally found outdoors growing on crops and plants. Mold, on the other hand, will grow on any suitable surface with moisture and darkness (3).

When either mold or mildew is found indoors, you must take action. Both can cause severe health effects if inhaled or touched. The two can lead to respiratory problems, allergic reactions, and asthma attacks.

Health Effects of Mold

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Mold might make your basement smell rather musty, but there are also other unpleasant effects from the fungus.

Worsening of Asthma

Mold exposure is known to worsen asthma and even trigger attacks. Children exposed to mold in early childhood are also more likely to develop asthma (4).


Allergic symptoms are some of the most common health effects of mold.

Some individuals have a specific mold allergy, so they’re extra sensitive when exposed. Allergic symptoms include a runny nose, sneezing, skin rashes, or irritated throat.

The reactions typically occur when mold spores are inhaled. These spores are not visible to the naked eye and usually float in the air. As the spores are inhaled, the immune system reacts by causing allergic symptoms to remove the foreign object.

Unfortunately, a mold allergy can be particularly challenging. One reason why is because the more you’re exposed, the more sensitive you become (5).

Hair Loss

One of the more unpleasant effects of mold is hair loss. The immune system releases histamine when your body reacts to the mold spores. Histamine causes inflammation and disrupts the blood flow to the vessels (capillaries) that deliver nourishment to the hair strands.

When this happens, the strands don’t get the nourishment they need to grow properly. This leads to hair breakage or loss (6).

Irritated or Itchy Skin

If you’re sensitive to mold, you might experience skin irritation when in contact with the fungus. Severe skin reactions can lead to large bumps filled with pus. Milder reactions might include redness, itchiness, and soreness (7).

Eye Irritation

Mold spores consist of multiple substances that can irritate our eyes. The fungus can produce volatile organic compounds. These include alcohols, sulfur, nitrogen, carboxylic acids, and ketones.

Volatile organic compounds can irritate the mucous membranes in the eyes. How much you’re affected depends on your eyes’ sensitivity and the spores’ concentration (8).

Sinus Infection or Inflammation

Mold spores can also cause a sinus infection. The immune system then releases blood cells called eosinophils, which help to fight the spores.

However, as eosinophils fight the fungus, they create highly unpleasant side effects. One such is fungal sinusitis, which will cause irritation until the spores are entirely removed from the sinus cavity (9).

Worse still, getting rid of the fungus can be tricky, thanks to the optimal environment the sinuses provide. Mold spores thrive in dark, warm, and moist areas — precisely what the sinuses are.

Headaches and Migraines

Headaches and migraines are prevalent symptoms of mold exposure. They can be triggered by a couple of reasons, such as a mold allergy when spores are inhaled. A sinus infection caused by mold exposure can also result in a headache or migraine.

Severe inflammation can cause pressure to build, resulting in a headache. Exposure to the toxic substance molds and other fungi produce, called mycotoxins, can also cause a headache or migraine (10).

What Causes Mold to Form?

What Causes Mold to Form? Icon

Mold can grow nearly anywhere as long as the fungus has what it needs to thrive.

This includes:

  • Spores: Mold spreads and reproduces through spores. The microscopic spores usually travel through the air before landing on a surface. Spores can survive harsh environmental changes that mold won’t survive.
  • Moisture: Moisture is vital for mold to grow. That’s why you often find mold in damp or moist areas after a water leak or flooding.
  • Warmth: The combination of moisture and warmth makes the perfect spot for mold to grow.
  • Darkness: The fungus prefers the comfort of a dark location. We recommended installing UV light bulbs since mold can’t grow under this light.
  • Food: The fungus can feed on any organic material containing carbon atoms. You’ll also find mold on your food if it’s left for too long.
  • Oxygen: Similar to other living organisms, mold requires oxygen to grow. However, the fungus can live on even the smallest amount of oxygen, so it’s difficult to fight it by cutting off the supply.
  • Time: Mold won’t begin to grow straight away; it needs 24 to 48 hours in optimal conditions to begin growing.

Types of Mold

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There are countless species of mold. Some are toxic and pose a risk to our health, while others aren’t harmful.

Identifying the mold in your house can give you a headstart in removing it.

Red Mold

Red mold colonies

Red mold is a type of yeast often found on natural materials such as wood. You can also find this mold underneath vinyl flooring and carpets. Red mold can be tricky to spot since it’s often overshadowed by other molds, usually black (11).

Red and pink molds are often confused with each other. However, pink is often found in bathroom settings. Red mold in itself isn’t as harmful as others. But because darker molds often accompany it, you might experience a few symptoms.

Because this mold prefers more organic areas, you can often find it on food, especially bread. If you were to ingest some red mold accidentally, it shouldn’t be a cause for concern. However, you could have some reactions if you’re allergic to mold.

Black Mold

Black Mold

Black mold, also often referred to as toxic mold, is one of the most feared molds. However, many molds are black — in fact, the “black mold” most people refer to is actually more greenish.

This mold is called Stachybotrys chartarum, and it can release mycotoxins. Mycotoxins have been linked to mold poisoning, also known as mycotoxicosis (12). Other symptoms of exposure to mycotoxins include:

  • Mood changes.
  • Memory loss.
  • Headaches.
  • Nosebleeds.
  • Pains and aches.

Despite some claims, black mold can’t cause cancer or lung diseases. A study done in 2004 was unable to link exposure to mold with cancer (13).

Green Mold

Green mold on bread

There are many green mold species. The most common of which are Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Cladosporium. You can find green mold in different areas of your home — which genus it is can be determined by the location (14).

Here’s a quick explanation of the three common green molds:

  • Aspergillus: This species is often found on sweet, starchy foods such as fruit and bread. Aspergillus is also commonly used to ferment alcohol and produce citric acid.
  • Penicillium: As the name suggests, this mold is used to produce penicillin. Nonetheless, certain forms of the mold can be harmful. This mold doesn’t require as much moisture to grow as other species.
  • Cladosporium: One of the most common species, you can find it on any plant material, living or dead. Its spores can be found in the air year-round, and you might be most affected during the summer when concentrations are high. When the weather is colder, the spores’ concentration is significantly lower. Cladosporium mold is parasitic and will infest the area it’s living on. It’s known to suck the nutrients out of the plant until it dies.

White Mold

White mold on bread

White mold often resembles other molds. Many homeowners don’t realize they have white mold due to the color. Unlike black mold, which is usually gooey, white mold is more flaky or powdery.

White mold grows on fabrics, food, plants, and other organic materials. It’s also commonly found on drywalls, carpets, and wood.

White mold isn’t as hazardous as black mold, but it can still cause a few allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. When left for too long, white mold can cause damage to structural buildings as well.

How to Detect Mold?

How to Detect Mold? Icon

Mold isn’t always visible when growing within a household. Even if you’re experiencing specific physical symptoms such as a runny nose, is mold the cause?

Here are a few signs to look for:


Before you see mold, you’re likely to smell it. People often describe a “moldy” smell present in a house with mold. This can be musty or sour, depending on where the mold is growing and the species.

If you get a whiff of a musty odor, try to use your nose and trace the odor. When it’s at its strongest, you might be close to the moldy area. Search the area behind furniture or underneath carpeting.

Allergic Reactions

If you feel like your allergies are extra agitated, mold might be the reason. Individuals with allergies or mold allergies will be extra affected in a house with mold. The spores will be in the air, and you might be inhaling them.

You might still have a runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, or sore eyes even if you’re not allergic. If you do notice any allergic reactions when you’re inside your house, but they go away when you leave, mold is likely the cause.

Visible Mold

Seeing mold is an obvious sign that you have a problem in your home. In some instances, seeing mold might indicate high growth since mold usually grows where it’s dark.

If you suspect mold in your home, look behind appliances such as the refrigerator and dishwasher. You can also look underneath carpets, sinks, cabinets, and in the basement.

Seeing any signs of mold, you must take immediate action. If you feel like the task is too grand, you can call a professional for further testing to see how it’s best removed.

If you spot a darkened area and wonder if it might be mold, there’s an easy way to find out. Simply dab a few drops of bleach onto the area and wait a few minutes. You’re dealing with mold or mildew if it lightens within the first few minutes. But if it remains dark, it’s likely dirt.

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How to Remove Mold

How to Remove Mold Icon

When removing mold, you can use different approaches.

This typically depends on the area and surface the mold is growing on.

You can buy commercial products, but certain products already in your home can also be useful. Bleach, ammonia, baking soda, borax, and vinegar are highly effective when used correctly.

Because mold can cause allergic reactions or skin rashes, we highly recommend that you protect yourself before getting started. Wear a mask, goggles, and gloves to avoid any contact with the mold.


Never mix bleach and ammonia. It will cause highly toxic fumes to form that will harm you and others in the house (15).

On Walls

To remove mold from a wall, you only need chlorine bleach, water, and a stiff brush. Make a solution of three parts water and one part bleach. Dip the stiff brush in the solution and scrub the moldy area.

Continue until it lightens and the mold begins to disappear. Once you’re done, dry the wall thoroughly to prevent any new mold from forming.

On Wood

Depending on whether the wood is natural or painted, there are a few ways to remove mold from wood.

Painted wood might only have mold growing on the surface. You can clean this using soap and water. Use a soft brush to scrub the area until it’s clean. You can also use distilled white vinegar instead.

Natural wood, though, is more absorbent and will likely have mold growing deeper. For this, make a solution of detergent, bleach, and water. Combine one part detergent, 10 parts bleach, and 20 parts water in a bucket.

Use a scrub sponge or stiff brush to apply the solution and scrub thoroughly. Allow it to air dry. This enables the bleach solution to penetrate the wood, killing any mold within.

On Drywall

Removing mold from drywall depends on whether it’s painted or unpainted. Unpainted drywall may need to be replaced if the mold is severe.

1. Mix Your Solution

If the mold is only mild, you can start by trying a mild solution of one part baking soda to five parts water. Mix it in a spray bottle and give it a thorough shake to combine well. If the mold is severe, you can use more potent solutions such as vinegar, detergent, or bleach.

Vinegar can be used concentrated or diluted. You should mix bleach one part of bleach with three parts of water. Add your chosen solution to a spray bottle, as this will be easier to apply when cleaning drywall.

2. Apply and Scrub

Spray a small amount of the solution onto the entire area of mold growth.

Scrub the area using a sponge or soft brush. Be gentle on painted walls to avoid damage. Continue until there is no more visible mold.

3. Dry

Dry the wall to avoid any damage. Start by wiping it down with an old cloth or towel. Place a fan in front of the area to speed up the drying process.

In the Shower

Mold in the shower is likely to occur due to moisture. The easiest way to remove mold from the shower is by using chlorine bleach.

Mix one part bleach with three parts water. If the mold is more significant, reduce the water to two parts. Spray the area with the bleach solution and allow it 15 minutes to kill the mold.

Use a stiff brush to scrub the mold away, and you should see the area lightening quickly. You might need a smaller brush (old toothbrush) to get into tighter areas. Once you’re done, rinse the entire area and wipe it dry with a cloth or towel.

Ventilation Is Important

Because the shower can be a confined space, keep doors and windows open as you clean. This will help to prevent you from inhaling bleach and mold spores.

On Carpet

Unless you have a white or light-colored carpet, using bleach to remove mold is a no-go since it can discolor the fibers. Instead, we like to use distilled white vinegar. This method is also quite simple and doesn’t require a lot of scrubbing.

Fill a spray bottle with pure vinegar. Spray it onto the affected area and allow it to sit for at least an hour.

The vinegar smell will be rather strong, but it will dissipate as it dries. After the hour, use a soft brush to scrub the area and blot it dry with a cloth.

On Furniture

If you have an old couch or chair that has been in storage for a while, a bit of mold might be growing on it. You can remove this easily.

1. Cover the Area

Lay out some old newspaper or plastic bags on the floor around the furniture being cleaned. This will catch any mold spores that might fall as you’re cleaning.

2. Brush off Excess Mold

Use a brush to remove any loose mold and spores from the furniture. This makes it easier to clean the furniture.

3. Make a Solution

Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Alternatively, you can mix two tablespoons of ammonia in a quart of water.

4. Apply

Dip a sponge in the solution and wring out the excess. Scrub the furniture using circular motions — avoid using too much water so as not to drench the surface. Rinse and wring the sponge when needed.

5. Dry

You can use a cloth or towel to absorb excess water and solution. If possible, place the furniture outside in the sun or a well-ventilated area to dry completely.

On the Ceiling

When removing mold from the ceiling, you’ll need a stable ladder and protective gear. Wear goggles and a mask if any mold falls on you while cleaning.

For ceilings, use hydrogen peroxide. It’s an excellent alternative to bleach since it’s safe to use and won’t harm you or the environment. You can add a spray nozzle to the hydrogen peroxide bottle and spray it directly onto the area.

Allow up to 10 minutes to sit before scrubbing with a brush or sponge. Use back and forward motions to loosen the mold. If the area is large or persistent, take a few breaks in between.

Dry the area once you’re done to avoid any damage. Keep the room well-ventilated to help the drying process further.

In the Basement

When you find mold in your basement, you must check areas such as HVAC vents and any other air intakes. Spores can get caught here and form mold when moisture is introduced. Consider removing the vents and cleaning them as recommended.

1. Clear the Basement

Open up doors and windows to create good ventilation through the basement. Next, remove all contaminated objects, such as old cardboard boxes, books, or newspapers.

2. Vacuum

To remove any loose mold, start by vacuuming the entire floor using a strong vacuum with a HEPA filter. The HEPA filter will prevent any spores from making their way back into the air.

3. Make a Solution

If you have hard floors and walls in your basement, mix one gallon of water with two cups of bleach. For porous surfaces, you can use one part mild dish detergent mixed with 10 parts bleach and 20 parts water.

4. Apply and Scrub

Use a spray bottle to make the application easy. You can also dip a sponge or cloth in the solution and then apply it to the affected area.

Allow the mold-busting solution to sit for up to 15 minutes before scrubbing with a stiff brush.

Keep scrubbing until the mold begins to disappear. Rinse the brush often to avoid spreading the mold.

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5. Rinse

Fill a bucket with clean water and use a clean sponge to rinse the entire area. Keep re-wetting the sponge as you get all the solution and mold off the surfaces.

In the Air

Getting rid of visible mold is one thing, but trying to remove what you can’t see can be a challenge. Luckily, there are a few ways to successfully remove mold spores from the air:

1. Kill Visible Mold

The first step you have to take is to remove any visible mold. Check all areas where mold could grow and use either bleach and water or a commercial mold-killing product. Follow with a mold-preventing product to help keep future mold at bay.

2. Use Air Purifiers

Air purifiers are often underrated, but installing one or more in your home can help to reduce mold spores. Choose a good purifier fitted with a HEPA filter, such as the Hathaspace, which can capture up to 99.97 percent of airborne particles.

3. Install a Dehumidifier

A dehumidifier will help to reduce the moisture in your home by up to 50 percent. This can make the indoor environment unconducive to mold growth.

4. Install Disposable Filters in Central Air System

Mold spores will eventually find their way into the central air system, where they can quickly spread to other rooms. So by installing a disposable filter in your central air system, you can catch mold spores before they make their way into your home.

From Fabric

Mold can easily grow on clothing and fabric. Here’s how to remove it:

1. Brush Off Mold

Start by brushing off as much mold as possible using a small brush, such as an old toothbrush. Discard the brush immediately afterward.

2. Apply a Stain Remover

Apply a commercial mold stain remover to help eliminate the stains left by the mold. These should also be able to kill some of the mold. Most stain removers should be left on the area for a certain time — follow the directions provided.

3. Wash Alone

Moldy clothes should be washed alone to avoid contaminating other clothing items. Use hot water and your regular detergent. Add three-quarters of a cup to the washer once it’s filled with water. Vinegar will help to kill the mold while also deodorizing your clothes.

4. Air Dry

Once the clothes have been washed, hang them in the sun to dry.

From Paper or Books

With delicate paper or old books, you must be very gentle when removing mold. Always start by carefully brushing off the mold using a soft brush. You can also try using a vacuum with a HEPA filter fitted with a dryer sheet over the nozzle.

If you’re cleaning a paperback book, gently wipe the surface with a soft cloth lightly saturated in denatured alcohol. Make sure you dab away excess moisture.

You can also use denatured alcohol for leather or hardbacks, but ensure you test it in an inconspicuous area first (16).

From Leather

Because leather is not washable, it’s difficult to clean it properly. If your old jacket or other leather item is stored in a dark, damp closet, mold will likely grow. Here’s how to remove it:

1. Make a Solution

Combine equal amounts of rubbing alcohol and water in a large bowl or container.

2. Apply

Dip a sponge in the solution and wring out the excess. Wipe the surface where the mold is present, rinsing the sponge in between to avoid spreading the mold.

3. Add Saddle Soap

Fill a large bucket with warm water and add about two capfuls of saddle soap. Use your hands to mix it to create a soapy solution. Wear gloves to protect your skin.

Dip a cloth in the solution and wring out the excess. Then use it to wipe the leather surface where any mold is still present.

4. Rinse

Fill a container with clean water. Dip a clean cloth in the water and wring out the excess. Use the cloth to rinse all soap and solution off of the leather. Finally, finish off by drying the surface with a towel.

From Tile and Grout

When cleaning mold from tile or grout, there are two approaches you can try.

If the mold is severe, make a solution of one part bleach to 16 parts of water. Apply the solution to the tiles and grout and leave it for up to 10 minutes.

Scrub the area with a hard-bristled brush — try a grout brush or old toothbrush to get into the lines. Rinse with clean water once the mold is gone.

If you have colored grout and don’t want to use bleach, you can make a paste of equal parts water and baking soda. Smear it onto the grout and tiles, and leave it for 20 minutes before scrubbing with a stiff brush. Then rinse the area with cold water and repeat if necessary.

From Appliances

Mold can quickly begin to grow within household appliances such as refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing machines.

To clean a moldy refrigerator, fill a spray bottle with distilled white vinegar. Spray the vinegar directly onto the moldy areas and allow it to sit for up to 10 minutes.

Scrub the area with a stiff brush or sponge. Rinse with a clean cloth or sponge dipped in clean water.

To clean a dishwasher or washing machine, add bleach to the appliance and run it on a hot cycle. Make sure no objects, such as clothes or dishes, are in the appliance. Repeat this once a month to eliminate any signs of mold.

When to Call a Professional

When to Call a Professional Icon

It’s important to know when to throw in the towel and call a professional.

As a rule of thumb, leave it to the professionals if the mold covers an area larger than 10 square feet. A large area of mold can be tricky to handle since it will require different chemicals.

You should also consider hiring a professional if you have certain medical conditions. These include:

  • Mold allergies.
  • Allergies.
  • Asthma.
  • Respiratory issues.
  • Pregnancy.

How to Prevent Mold?

How to Prevent Mold? Icon

The best way to avoid a huge mold problem is by preventing the fungus in the first place (17).

Here are a few tips:

  • Prevent moisture: By keeping your home environment low in humidity, you can keep the moisture to a minimum. Mold needs moisture to grow, so reducing this can help to keep the fungus at bay.
  • Prevent leaks: Water leaks are common causes of mold. Prevent this by checking your pipes regularly and fixing any leaks as quickly as possible.
  • Wet clothes: Try to prevent leaving wet clothes lying around. Do laundry regularly and remove clothes from the washer as soon as possible.
  • Keep your home clean: By cleaning regularly, you can help to keep mold and spores at bay. Use a strong vacuum with a HEPA filter to remove even the tiniest spores.


How Common is Mold In Homes?

Mold is extremely common in homes. A 2017 survey found instances of mold in every public building inspected. What’s more, each building had at least 14 different infestations!

What Does Harmless Black Mold Look Like?

Harmless black mold looks just like other forms of fungal growth. It is more common than other mold growth and is mainly found in damp locations like kitchens and bathrooms.

Is Bleach or Vinegar Better to Kill Mold?

Bleach and vinegar kill mold, but bleach is a chemical, whereas vinegar is 100 percent natural. If you use bleach, try an oxygen-based product like this OxiClean, so that the oxygen bubbles can penetrate the mold infestation.

Can I Leave Vinegar on Mold Overnight?

You can leave vinegar on mold overnight, but it doesn’t increase the cleaning power of the vinegar. Instead, spray on the vinegar and wipe clean with a cloth after one hour.

Can I Paint Over Mold?

You can paint over mold, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Mold is a fungal infection that thrives in dark and damp areas. If you paint over it, it continues to grow and eventually ruins your fresh paint.

Mold Counterattack

Mold Counterattack Icon

Mold can be a serious cause for concern, especially when it’s growing inside your home.

However, not all molds are dangerous; some even serve important purposes, such as producing penicillin.

Knowing what causes mold can help to prevent it. Mold thrives in dark, humid, warm areas where it has access to a food source like cardboard or wood. So, to get rid of mold, make conditions uninhabitable for it.

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About the Author

Matthew Sullivan

Matthew Sullivan is a technical writer with over 15 years of hands-on experience in the realm of HVAC, humidity, air purification, and mold prevention. With a background rooted in mechanical engineering, Matthew seamlessly blends the intricate world of technicalities with the everyday challenges that homeowners and businesses face. His vast expertise has led him to collaborate with leading HVAC manufacturers, consult on cutting-edge air purification systems, and become a sought-after voice on mold mitigation.