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Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Troubleshooting: 2025 Codes

Learn how to solve Whirlpool Cabrio Washer issues like a pro.

Nothing is worse than your washing machine refusing to work. It doesn’t matter if you have a Maytag or Whirlpool washing machine, to have it suddenly break down is frustrating!

So today, we’re discussing Whirlpool Cabrio washer problems and how to fix them.

Key Takeaways

  • Whirlpool Cabrio washer problems can include not filling with water, not draining, failing to spin, and not cleaning clothes properly.
  • Troubleshooting error codes help diagnose issues; some common codes are oL (overloaded), LF (long fill), Sd (suds detected), and F7 or E1 (shift actuator malfunction).
  • Fixes for common problems include checking the drive pulley nut, replacing the shift actuator, cleaning clogged inlet valves, and replacing burnt water inlet valve coils.
  • Running diagnostic tests can help identify and resolve lid lock problems, motor control issues, and other malfunctions.

Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Troubleshooting Codes

These are some of the Whirlpool Cabrio washer error codes you may see.

Error Code Meaning
oL Machine is overloaded
LF Long fill
Sd Suds detected
Lid Open or close the door lid
F7 or E1 May have shift actuator malfunction
Po Pumping water out because the lid was left open.
LD Long drain
uL The load is unbalanced.
HC Hot and cold hoses are reversed.
LF (F81) Washer is taking too long to fill.
F#E# System error code.
F1E1 ACU An internal Appliance Control (ACU) failure.
F3E1 Water level sensor not working as the pressure sensor on the ACU failed.
F5E2 Something is preventing the lid from locking.
F5E3 Something is preventing the lid from unlocking.
F6E2 or F6E3 Communication error causing an ACU or UI synchronization error.
F8E6 The washer lid was left open.
Dm, dr (F9E1) The washer is taking too long to drain the water.

Cycle Issues

Sometimes you’ll find that your washer isn’t turning on or it may be stopping mid-cycle. It may even not be spinning at all. Here are some common problems and their solutions.

Whirlpool sign on washing machine

Washer Won’t Start Cycle

If your start button on the control panel isn’t working even though the other lights are on, you may need to remove the control panel to diagnose the issue. Consult the repair manual for instructions on how to remove the control panel. Then check for loose pieces like small pieces of plastic that may be stuck behind the start button.

Check the wiring with a voltage meter if you don’t find an obvious problem because if the time, main controller, or CCU has failed, then you will need to replace the entire control panel.

Washer Starts Then Stops

If your washer stops mid-cycle, check to see if you have either an F1 or E2 error code, which indicates that the motor control circuit is having problems.

First, unplug your washer for at least 5 minutes. Then plug it back in to see if the board resets.

If the error code is still present you will need to unplug the machine again. This time remove the back panel to check the wiring. Make sure that all of the connections are tight and that there are no damaged wires.

Then check the wire harness to make sure that it’s connected properly and there’s no damage to the wires. If the wiring is fine, then it’s likely that your motor control circuit board will need to be replaced. Use a multimeter to be sure.

Washer Won’t Spin

If your washer won’t spin, check the drive pulley nut. It becomes loose over time and may not be holding the drive pulley in place. Consult your user manual to help locate the drive pulley and tighten the nut.

If that hasn’t fixed the issue, check to see if the display panel of your washing machine is displaying an error code such as F7 or E1. This indicates that you may have a shift actuator malfunction. You will need to replace it.

  1. Unplug your washing machine and turn off all of the water lines. Disconnect the water hoses on the rear of the machine. Label the hot and cold lines so you can easily reconnect them to your washing machine after the repair.
  2. Remove the drain line from the wall. This will prevent you from damaging the line or the connection.
  3. The part you need to replace is underneath the machine. Put a thick towel on the floor for cushioning. Then lay your washing machine face down on the towel so you can access the bottom of the washer.
  4. Remove the shield by unscrewing the top and bottom screws. Set them aside.
  5. The shift actuator is on the left, slightly below the shield. Remove the broken part by unscrewing the 2 screws that hold it in place and unclip the wire harness. Install the new part. Reconnect the wire harness and screw in the 2 screws which hold that shift actuator in place.
  6. Replace the shield and screw it into place. Raise your machine and reattach the drain line.
  7. Reattach the hot and cold lines, reconnect the water hoses, plug in your washing machine, and turn on all the water lines.

Washer Won’t Agitate

If your machine won’t agitate, first check to see if the lid lock switch is malfunctioning. You can diagnose this by putting your washer into a spin cycle. Then open the lid and push a screwdriver into the lid switch actuator hold.

If the washer will spin when you do this, but not if the lid is closed, then you know that the switch is bad.

However if nothing happens when you run the test, then you will need to check for continuity using a multimeter.

Water Issues

A washing machine can develop several issues with water such as not filling properly or not draining.

Washer Doesn’t Fill Up With Enough Water

Check for a clogged inlet valve if your washing machine isn’t filling with water. The inlet hoses connect your machine to the main water supply. Plus they have metal screens on both ends to protect them from debris, but sometimes the hoses clog.

To check for a clog, turn off the water supply to the washer. Then remove the hoses from both the faucet and the washer. Clean the debris off of the screens. If the screens are damaged, replace them.

Next, check the inlet valve itself to make sure that no debris has gone through the screens to clog it. If you see debris, clean the two ports on the valve.

If removing the clogs doesn’t work, check to make sure that your home water pressure is at least 20 PSI.

A third cause for your washer not filling may be burnt water inlet valve coils. The water inlet valve coils have a limited lifespan, and once they’re burned out then the electrical signals will no longer be able to trigger the valve gates to open.

Use a multimeter to test for continuity. If there is no continuity, replace the part as the valves are not able to be repaired.

Washer Won’t Drain

If you have an LD error code appearing during the spin cycle, it means that your washer is taking too long to drain. You may have a clog in the drain line or a blockage in the pump.

First, check the pump filter and clean out any lint, gunk, and other items you find.

Then turn off your water connections so you can unhook the drain line from the back of the washer. Have a bucket handy to catch any spills. Use a long brush or strong stream of water to clean out the line.

If your washer still won’t drain, you will likely need to replace the water pump.

Water Leaking

You may have a bearing problem if your machine starts making a loud noise during the spin cycle and leaking water.

A leaking bearing seal is most likely caused by a torn tub seal. It causes the water to leak from the seal and find its way into the tub bearings. You need to replace both the tub seal and the tub bearings quickly as the bearings will fail.

This is not an easy fix as you will need to disassemble your machine.

Other Issues

There are a few other Whirlpool Cabrio washer issues you may experience with your machine.

Washer Is Too Noisy

Washing machines are not the quietest appliance in the house, but they should not start making excessively loud noises. If you hear a loud thumping sound, your load is unbalanced. Stop your machine and rearrange the load to rebalance your machine.

You’ll hear a clunking noise when your washer is not level or balanced on the floor.

A high-pitched noise means that you will need to check inside the washing machine to see if the nut holding the pulley in place needs to be tightened or the bearings need to be replaced.

A loud roaring during the spin cycle means that you likely have a bad bearing. You’ll need a tub seal bearing kit and a bearing driver tool to fix it.

Lid Lock Problems

Washing machine lids sometimes develop problems latching properly which will prevent the wash cycles from starting.

Before checking for more extensive issues, check to make sure that the lid switch isn’t dirty which will prevent a good contact. Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and clean all the contact areas on the lid and washer.

If that didn’t help the issue, unplug your washer to allow the control panel to reset. Then plug your machine back in and see if the problem is fixed.

Sometimes the door will sound like it’s engaging, but it’s not. Run a diagnostic test to see if there’s a larger problem.

Put the machine in standby mode by plugging it in with most of the indicators off except for the Clothes Clean/Done indicator. Select one button that is not POWER, START, or STOP.

Push and hold your chosen button for 3 seconds and then release for 3 seconds.

Push and hold the same button again for 3 seconds, before releasing it for 3 seconds.

Press and hold the button for 3 seconds a third time and then release it.

All the indicators on the console should light for 5 seconds. On the two-digit display, you should see 88 in the “estimated time remaining” display panel. It means that you have successfully entered the diagnostic mode.

Otherwise, you did not start the diagnostic mode. Choose a different button and repeat the procedure again.

The diagnostic mode will check for saved fault codes and compare the error code displayed to determine what repairs may be required.

Washer Doesn’t Clean Clothes

If your washing machine isn’t cleaning your clothing and is leaving white deposits instead, try using a warmer water temperature. This often occurs in winter when the powdered detergent doesn’t dissolve completely in extremely cold water.

You may see these deposits happening frequently. This is the downside to HE (high-efficiency) machines. They don’t use enough water to flush away all the soapy residue in the machines. You will need to use the clean cycle to remove the gunk from your washing machine.

Bad Odor

If you smell burning plastic or rubber coming from your washer, do not ignore the smell. Instead, unplug the washing machine and open the outer housing. You’re looking for any discoloration you can see.

Check the rubber drive belt. If it’s slipped, stretched, or broken it can cause friction and a burning smell. You will need to replace the belt.

If the belt looks fine, you may have an electrical problem with the motor, transmission, or control panel. This will require the replacement of the burned-out components.

Do not use your washing machine until it has been repaired to prevent a fire from happening.

Rust Spots On Washer Lid

Sometimes rust spots will develop on the inside of your washer’s lid. These rust spots will not go away but will only get bigger. Then they’ll transfer the rust stains to your laundry.

First, you’ll need to remove as much of the rust with a paste made from baking soda and vinegar. Mix ¼ cup of baking soda with just enough vinegar to make a thick paste.

Then apply the paste to the rusted area with a soft cloth. Rub away the loose particles, and rinse with clean water after the treatment. You may need to repeat the treatment several times to remove the loose particles.

Once the loose rust is removed, you can paint the rusted areas with appliance paint. Follow the directions on the package.


How Do I Reset a Whirlpool Cabrio Washer?

Reset your Whirlpool Cabrio Washer by pressing the start/stop button once. Then rotate the dial to the rinse/wash/stop lights light up. Then turn the washing machine off and unplug it for 10 seconds.

Plugin the washing machine and turn it on. The washer should now be reset.

What is the Life Expectancy of a Whirlpool Cabrio Washer?

The life expectancy of a Whirlpool Cabrio washer is about 11 ½ years if you’re only doing 8 loads of laundry a week.

What are the Most Common Problems on a Whirlpool Cabrio Washing Machine?

There are several common problems with a Whirlpool Cabrio washing machine, including not filling with water, not draining properly, failing to spin, and not cleaning clothes properly.

Where is the Filter on a Whirlpool Cabrio Washing Machine?

The filter on a Whirlpool Cabrio washing machine is located in three possible places: on a panel on the front of the washer, at the end of the drainage hose, and along the top rim of the drum.

Why is My Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Stuck On Sensing?

The reason why your Whirlpool Cabrio washing machine is stuck on sensing is because there is a problem with the drive motor. The motor can suffer from problems like water damage and general wear and tear.

How Do You Bypass the Lid Lock On a Whirlpool Cabrio Washer?

The easiest way to bypass the lid lock on a Whirlpool Cabrio washer is to use magnets. You will need to position the magnet where the lid lock connects with the cabinet.

How Do You Manually Drain a Whirlpool Cabrio Washer?

The simplest way to manually drain a Whirlpool Cabrio washer is to locate the “Pause/Cancel” button. Press it twice, and the washer should drain.

Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Issues

There are many issues a Whirlpool Cabrio washer machine may have. You may have issues with the lid being stuck, flashing lights, error codes, or your machine not draining. Thankfully many of these issues are simple ones that you can fix yourself without needing to call a professional to check your Cabrio or Cabrio Platinum.

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About the Author

Sara Dennis

Sara Dennis is a coffee-loving freelance writer, homeschool blogger, and mom of six kids. In her free time, Sara loves reading books and researching more efficient and effective ways to keep a clean house, homeschool her children, and blog better while making a home for her large family.