Social Media Disclaimer for Oh So Spotless

At, we enjoy distributing information to you and chatting with you across our various social media accounts. While we find such interactions envigorating, there always seems to be one or two lost souls who try to spoil the party. To keep that from happening, we enforce the following rules for our accounts.

We reserve the sole right to review and delete any posts, tweets, or uploads third parties make to our social media accounts that we deem inappropriate in our sole discretion including, but not limited to, posts or communications that:

  • Are spammy;
  • Contain vulgarity;
  • Contain hate speech;
  • Are political in nature;
  • Promote third party websites or apps;
  • Promote business services or products;
  • Promote discrimination against others;
  • Consist of personal attacks on others; or
  • Consist of defamatory statements.

Feel free to contact us via if you have any questions or to notify us of someone doing something that just ain’t right on one of our accounts.